Some Thought about Growth Mindset
Upon watching Carol Dweck's videos regarding growth mindset, I had not heard about Carol Dweck's research or about the idea of growth mindset before... At a time where it seems like children are being rewarded solely based off of success, rather than their procedural efforts or determination, I think that this idea is one that should be implemented in academic affairs, especially beginning with younger children!
When looking at myself, I know that I like to be recognized in a positive way when I do something good. I find myself always looking for validation once a task or job is completed to justify that I did a good job. For example, I look directly at the grade I receive on a test or quiz to determine how "smart" I am or how well I know the material. I think that this thought process may be due to the praise I received by my teachers and parents growing up, whether that be when I received good grades in school or when I succeeded at sports, etc.
Upon learning about this idea of growth mindset, I plan to make a conscious effort at being aware of the mindset I have in certain situations and altering it if I recognize myself having a fixed mindset. I think we can all benefit from having this mindset in all aspects of life!
When looking at myself, I know that I like to be recognized in a positive way when I do something good. I find myself always looking for validation once a task or job is completed to justify that I did a good job. For example, I look directly at the grade I receive on a test or quiz to determine how "smart" I am or how well I know the material. I think that this thought process may be due to the praise I received by my teachers and parents growing up, whether that be when I received good grades in school or when I succeeded at sports, etc.
Upon learning about this idea of growth mindset, I plan to make a conscious effort at being aware of the mindset I have in certain situations and altering it if I recognize myself having a fixed mindset. I think we can all benefit from having this mindset in all aspects of life!

Think independently!
(from the Growth Mindset memes blog)
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