Topic Brainstorm
Project Ideas:
1. Hawaiian Mythology:
1. Hawaiian Mythology:
- As stated in earlier blog posts, my family recently moved to Hawaii, which makes me extremely interested in Hawaiian Mythology. Although I don't have much previously knowledge regarding the Hawaiian Mythology, I do have some idea about the history of Hawaii, particularly the island of Maui. I think that my connection to this topic will make this project extremely interesting and fun to learn about. I think that it would be really cool to create and retell the stories about the prevalent gods and goddesses and connect them to the beautiful scenery on the islands. Here is a link to information about the goddess of volcanoes: Pele.
2. Brothers Grimm (Hunt) - Hansel and Grethel:
- I don't exactly know why this topic appeals to me so much, but I think that the story of Hansel and Grethel is extremely unique and would be a lot of fun to work with. I have some previous knowledge of the story of Hansel and Grethel, and think it would be cool to create my own twists on the story, by either altering the plot or by telling it by the perspectives of the different characters, etc. Here is a link to the Hansel and Grethel story from UN-Textbook.
3. Arabian Nights: Aladdin:
- When researching previous storybooks in another assignment, I found one that was based around this topic and really enjoyed it. I have always loved Disney's Aladdin, however, I am unfamiliar with the story written long before the movie. I think it would be really interesting to learn more about the story and rewrite it, maybe with different characters, etc. I think it would also be cool to focus on the story behind the lamp and have it serve as a central feature in the storybook. Here is a link to the Arabian Nights: Aladdin story from UN-Textbook.
4. Nursery Rhymes:
- Growing up, I was beyond intrigued by nursery rhymes and they were always being taught in school and at home. This topic interests me because some of these rhymes are familiar. I think that it would be really cool to re-vamp some of these rhymes and recreate them in a storybook. I could take different well-known rhymes and either dig deeper to them and reveal their true meanings or add twists to them that make them different from the original. Here is a link to the Nursery Rhymes unit from UN-Textbook.

(Frog Went A-Courting; Source: Nursery Rhymes: Songs, Part 2 blog)
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