Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B
Adam and Eve
Want of Water and Light: (Story Source: The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926): The First Book of Adam and Eve 10 and 11-12)
Want of Water and Light: (Story Source: The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. (1926): The First Book of Adam and Eve 10 and 11-12)
- After Adam and Eve died, God sent and angel who brought them onto the shore
- God raised them from their death
- God then told Adam that because of his disobedience, he is now reliant on water (something that he did not require previously)
- Once Adam and Eve heard this, they wept and pleaded that they return to the garden to see where they once were
- God reminded him of his promise that he will bring them back to the garden
- Then, Adam and Eve became very thirsty, hot, and sad
- Adam told Eve that they should not drink this water because it would increase their punishments
- Then, the both of them entered the Cave of Treasures and Adam said the original words that God said to him after the fall: "Where art thou?"
- This parallel is very interesting, as it was used in the beginning of the story
- He then compares this state of darkness to the light that they used to know
- Because of this darkness, Adam mourned throughout the night and beat himself dead
- Eve drew near to his body and was silent out of fear
- The Word of God raised him from his death once again and allowed Eve to speak
- Adam then talks to God and asks him if they will be left in this darkness
- He then compares this new way of darkness to the life that him and Eve had in the garden
- The garden was a place where they weren't hidden from each other by darkness
- They could see each other in the light of the garden
- They didn't know what darkness was when they were in the garden
- The format of this story is very interesting and includes two stories in one.
- Each section is separated by Roman Numerals.
- The dialogue is mixed in with text
- The language is unique
- The first section talks about Adam and Eve's want for water, and the second section talks about their want for light
- Interesting contrasts are present that tie in the beginning of the story

(Garden of Eden. Source: Wikimedia)
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