Topic Research: Nursery Rhymes... What REALLY Happened?!
Little Bo-Peep: What happened to Bo-Peep's sheep?
- I think it would be really interesting to tell a story about what happened to Little Bo-Peep's sheep. This nursery rhyme is really vague and doesn't go into much detail about the where-abouts of the sheep that were lost. I would like to explain the unsaid details of this nursery rhyme and resolve the questions that we've all had regarding this story.
- It would also be kind of cool to incorporate the "peek-a-boo" game, as I found some research explaining the potential link to this game
Humpty Dumpty: How did Humpty Dumpty fall off the wall?
- In this nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall, however it fails to explain how this actually happened.. Was someone else involved in the fall? Was he pushed? Or was it just his shape? I would like to elaborate on this story and explain just how this happened. It could even be turned into a "crime-scene investigation" or something.
- Here's a picture that I could incorporate into the story... The girl pictured could be a suspect in the story, etc.

(Humpty Dumpty, Source: Wikimedia)
Hiccory Diccory Dock: Why did the mouse run up the clock?
- I think it would be cool to elaborate this nursery rhyme and include some type of time-travel with the mice. This rhyme is extremely short, so it could be retold in so many ways... It could also be framed around the fact that the mouse ran down the clock after it struck 1:00 and explain what happens at that specific time in the story.
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