Reading Notes: English Fairy Tales, Part B

English Fairy Tales

Johnny - Cake (This story is part of the English Fairy Tales (1) unit. Story source: English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890).)

  • Once upon a time, there was an old man, woman, and little boy. 
  • One morning, the old woman made a Johnny-Cake and put it in the oven to bake and told the boy to watch the oven while they went to work in the garden
  • The old man and woman went to hoe potatoes and left the boy
  • All of a sudden, the boy heard a noise, looked up, and the oven door opened
    • The Johnny-cake jumped out of oven and rolled towards the open door of the house
    • The boy ran after the cake, but the cake made it out the door and into the road before the boy could catch him

( The man, woman, and child running after Johnny-cake. Source: Johnny-cake story blog)
  • The woman and man heard this and ran after the cake with the boy
    • The cake outran all of them
    • They were so tired that they chad to rest on a bank
    • Johnny cake kept running and ran into 2 well diggers who looked at the cake and asked him where he was going
      • He told the men that he outran a woman, man and boy and said he could do the same to them
      • They ran after him but couldn't catch up
  • He ran into 2 ditch diggers and said the same thing
    • He outran them too 
  • He then ran into a bear who asked him where he was going
    • he outran the bear
  • He then ran into a fox
    • The fox told the cake that he couldn't hear him and to come a little closer
    • The cake got closer and yelled the same thing into the fox's ear
    • He told him to move even closer so that he could hear him 
    • He came closer and and screamed into his ear
    • The fox ate the Johnny cake in the twinkling of an eye


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